Totodata sintem parteneri ai festivalul traditiilor populare FALUNAP care se desfasoara in fiecare an in perioada 18.08-21.08 in localitatea noastra VLAHA jud.CLUJ
S.C.BERTALAM main activity is AGROTURISM, ensuring accommodation and festive dinners with traditional food for visitors of the great landscapes of Vlaha and Savadisla.
Is partner of the traditional folk festival ZLELOR “FAUNAP” in VLAHA. This festival is unique trough the promovation of keeping the folk traditional regions especially the gastronomic, offering food with specific character from the region, the opromovation of folk art and the folk clothes. In this region where the two traditions combine, the one of the Hungarian minority and the Romanians minority.
S.C.BERTALAM also prepares food cooked in earth potts, cooking bread and kurtoskalacs, traditional cabbage food (sarmale, cabbage a la Cluj) sprinkled with the traditional palinca, the ambient beeing insured by the VLAHA choir with traditional music.
Totodata sintem parteneri ai FESTIVALULUI INTERNATIONAL DE TEATRU MANINFEST organizat de COMPANIA DE TEATRU ART ACT si TEATRUL IMPOSIBIL, asigurind catering traditional.
We are partners with the International Theater Festival MANINFEST organized by ARTACT company and also with the Theater Imposibil insuring traditional catering.
catering in Teatrul National Cluj Napoca Oct. 2007